TBR Thursdays is hosted by
Kim @ Kimberly Faye Reads! This feature was created with the intent of spotlighting a title from your shelf that you planning on reading in order to discuss why you want to read it, as well to discuss the book with others! If you'd like to join, feel free to use the banner created by Kimberley (or your own), and stop by her page to participate.
Currently Reading:
(I just realized how aesthetically pleasing all of these titles look next to each other... orange-ish, then tan-ish woods, then orange, then woods...that's satisfying)
The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson: I'll probably have finished this by the time this post goes up, but I am
loving it so far. I've been meaning to read it for years, but I always wanted to wait until the fall/winter time of year and then I would forget... and now I can't believe I never got to it sooner because it really is brilliant. I can't wait to find out how it ends:
Well of Witches by J.A. White (Thickety #3): I read one book from this series every October for my nighttime read--it's a bit of a tradition now even though that means I go through this series really slowly, I love doing it. The Thickey is a spooky middle grade series that I am endlessly impressed and surprised by and I cannot recommend them enough.
The Narrows by Travis Riddle: This is a review request book that I've just started and so far seems really promising! I already am enjoying his characters and I love this cover and decided to juts dive into this one because it sounded like a good one to read around this time of year. I previously read and really enjoyed Travis Riddle's
Balam, Spring, so I'm excited to read more from him.
In the Night Wood by Dale Bailey: Another book specifically for review (from Edelweiss). I've also just started this one, but I'm thinking I might put it on hold while I finish up
The Narrows since they are both Kindle books. I'm excited to get back to it, though!
TBR Options:
I'm a bit of a mood reader so I'm not entirely which books of these I might get to in the next few weeks or if I'll add random ones in, but here are a few of the titles I'm considering. As you can see, there's a bit of a variety among the types of books here, but that's because I've been in a weird reading slump-ish/mood where I just can't figure out what I want to read. There are some books that I really want to read, but I don't want to read them until I'm in a better headspace--does that make sense? Regardless, here are a few of the options!
Small Spaces by Katherine Arden: This sounds like a perfect Halloween read! It's also a middle grade book and it's by the same author as the
Bear and the Nightingale books, so I have high hopes for it to be an entertaining read.
Alice by Christina Henry: I'm definitely reading this one before the end of the year--it's probably one of my most anticipated books on this makeshift TBR.
Nightingale by Amy Lukavics: Another spooky book I'd like to read! I thought about requesting this from NetGalley earlier in the year, but I knew I'd prefer it in physical form so I waited until it came in at my library, and now it's here!
Red Moon by Kim Stanley Robinson: This is oddly looking like the one I might actually pick up next, but honestly, who knows? I love a locked room-style murder and I also love a good book in space, so... win-win?
Any books you think I should read (on or off this list)!? Have you read any of these? What books are on your TBR? Let me know!