It's always a bit late in January by the time I get this post up, but it's finally here. I always love putting this post together because I think it's really fun to step back and observe what my reading year looked like overall and what types of books I found myself leaning towards that year. 2022 was both a very weird year and also a very normal year in different ways, so this year's stats were particularly interesting to check out. I could keep yammering on about things, but let's just get into the post. I'll start off with some highlights from Goodreads' Year in Review and then dive into the stats I logged over the year with info about genres, page counts, book formats, etc.
Honestly, I'm shocked I managed to read 154 books this year! This past year has been one of my weirdest reading years yet. I struggled a lot with reading slumps, feeling burnt out on a lot of books and plots and tropes, and general mental health issues that made it hard to read. This year I also really embraced audiobooks and that has been an amazing way for me to get to keep reading even when I'm feeling scattered or struggling to get into things.
Average book length feels about right for the genres I typically read in. And I can't say I'm surprised that the Wheel of Time book was the longest–it felt long, and I can't say I enjoyed it being that long.
My average rating is typically inflated on Goodreads since I tend to round up with my actual rating is a .5 or .75, but this is technically down from last year's 4.3.
I had no idea The Woman in Cabin 10 was that popular! I actually didn't enjoy it all that much, but I do know Ruth Ware is quite popular and I've enjoyed some of her other books. And I think Dirt King deserves to be shelved far more–I'm just going to assume a lot of its readers aren't on Goodreads because that trilogy was fantastic!
And now we can dive into my favorite section: the stats! I keep a spreadsheet where I log every book I read each year and keep track of some general things such as genres, format of the book, where I got the book, etc., and then I make up some charts to observe my reading patterns. I don't know how many people are really interested in this sort of thing, but I love it. I love seeing stats from other people's reading years as well (as well as just general yearly reading wrap-ups), so if you have one on your blog please do link it below! Without further ado, let's jump in.
And now we can dive into my favorite section: the stats! I keep a spreadsheet where I log every book I read each year and keep track of some general things such as genres, format of the book, where I got the book, etc., and then I make up some charts to observe my reading patterns. I don't know how many people are really interested in this sort of thing, but I love it. I love seeing stats from other people's reading years as well (as well as just general yearly reading wrap-ups), so if you have one on your blog please do link it below! Without further ado, let's jump in.
My reading remains predominantly fantasy (41.3%) and that's not surprise. Last year I believe it was around 48%, so it has gone down a bit. I think that's largely because my horror (17.4%) reading has gone up so much. I've really grown to love horror and hope to continue adding more to my reading and exploring new types of horror. I also delved into dark romance (2.6%) for the first time this year, and honestly? It's been a much-needed escape for those times when I just can't get out of some bad headspaces and need something a little crazier and easier to sink into. I read decent nonfiction (7.7%), but I had hoped to read a bit more last year–maybe this year I will. Sci-fi (11%) is always surprisingly low to me, but I wonder if that's not just because of how I categorize books sometimes, haha. All in all, not too many surprises here, although I do need to get back into more historical fiction (6.5%) again because I miss it!
Target Audience
This one is also not very surprising. I stick mostly to adult books (89%), with the occasional YA (6.5%) and middle grade (4.5%). I actually wish I read more middle grade this year because I really do enjoy it (usually more than YA!).
The biggest growth and surprise on this one is the audiobooks category! Two-three years ago I still never really touched audiobooks because I could never seem to figure out how to focus on them... but apparently that's changed because it's now 25% (!?) of my reading (it was only 9% last year). I have really started to love audiobooks and appreciate having them to listen to while I paint or do chores around the house. My ebook reading was down quite a bit last year because I've been struggling to read on there lately for some reason, but I'm hoping to rectify that this year. All in all, seems like a pretty average book format year–with a bit of audiobook growth!
Book Source
This one seems relatively similar to last year's, I think? A good portion is always split between books sent to me (which I will never stop being thankful for!) and books I own. My library usage is still down a bit because it has been harder for me to get to my local library, but I'm hoping to up that soon. Looks like about half of my reading is from ARCs/books from publishers, and that works well for me as a nice balance between new books and backlist. Overall, this chart looks about right to me.
Page Count
Page count is usually pretty consistent based on the genres I read, which consists of a lot of fantasy. I did have more shorter books this, which is reflected in the average page count per book higher up on this page, but otherwise I think this stays pretty much the same. Lots of 300-500 page books, with a few higher up and a few more novellas/short novels this year.
Tell me about your year in books! Do you keep track of information for stats like this? (If you do and you made a post that I haven't seen (or any type end of year post), leave me a link because I love checking them out! )