Saturday 22nd of July 2023, 7.30 PM

Calling Cards Publishing presents: Nick Klein+ GOMM + Regan Bowering + Syrens DJ’s

Nick Klein is an artist working in sound and art and sometimes (begrudgingly) sound art with a lean towards the social potential in those modalities as they interact. Klein has recorded a large amount of music for tape, CD, digital file, and vinyl editions for music labels around the world, as well as running his own amorphous label project PL (primitive languages, Psychic Liberation, etc). Concurrently, to the best of his ability, he has shown work in visual art contexts. Klein is uninterested in the prohibitive ideological tropes and circumstances that both contexts offer, and focuses the intent of his work on trying to see what productive energy comes from the friction between the two. Klein likes loud volume, cooking, offline community building, records, bars, synthesizers, and comedy. Klein is currently located in Berlin. Klein has operated a monthly radio show on Montez Press Radio since its inception and is spending 2023-2024 developing a monthly invitational program at the Volksbühne Roter Salon with collaborator Hugo Esquinca. Klein’s vessel for his projects in New York City is through SARA’S, while also collaborating on the text and recorded media edition format with curator Sara Blazej for the space.

GOMM (Bloxham Tapes, Sensory Leakage)

GOMM is Dan Allison but also a concept of collaboration and distortion via synthesis and sound experimentation.

GOMM released its self titled album on Sensory Leakage in 2021 and followed up with a collaboration album with artist and sonic explorer James Alec Hardy. ‘211215’ was released on Bloxham Tapes in early 2022. Collaborators include Jody DeSchutter (BAG), artist Dominic Beattie and producer Holst who mixed and played on GOMMs debut release. Daryl Worthington wrote a review of ‘211215’ for The Quietus “The first side, ‘Recto’, is a whirlpool of razor-edged drones, groans and growls, a torrent of doom-laden frequency which swirls angrily into the void. The b-side feels more cut and spliced from discrete events. An electronic pulse like a dripping tap jumping into an air sucking bass pulse. Just before the crescendo comes the tape’s most melodic moment, a simple key melody which would sound sweet anywhere else but here ends up perturbing. These juxtapositions are what make the final detonation so cathartically jarring. The duo bridge the gap between Wolf Eyes and Thomas Ankersmit, bringing the former’s DIY shock sonics into the latter’s high definition sound architecture and vice versa. Wielding frequencies to bend the mood of the space they’re in.”

Regan Bowring (Infant Tree)

Regan Bowering is a London based percussionist, improviser/composer, and sound artist. Her solo work explores the sonic possibilities of drum resonance, microphones, old media, amplification, and feedback. Regan has performed as a soloist and in collaborative contexts across the UK’s experimental music scene, at venues such as Café Oto, Hundred Years Gallery, and the Nottingham Contemporary Gallery and she is a regular attendee of improvisation workshops with Eddie Prevost. Current collaborative projects include BLAKE/ SONG/ BOWERING, a trio with Li Song and Conal Blake who experiment with site-specific performance/ improvisations using snare drums, speakers, and found materials. Their tape “Music for Snare Drums and Portable Speakers” was released on Infant Tree Records in May 2023. She is an associate lecturer and PhD student in Music at Goldsmiths, University of London.

Syrens DJ’s: Mike Keelin & Jamie Paton (NTS, Noods)

Price: £10 adv./£12 OTD Buy tickets
Wednesday 22nd of November 2023, 7.30 PM

Maija Sofia

Price: £13.20 Buy tickets
Thursday 23rd of November 2023, 7.30 PM

Dog Unit & Friends

Price: £11.5 Buy tickets
Friday 24th of November 2023, 9 PM

Ram Jam

Price: Free

See full programme