So, November has been.. rough, for a variety of reasons that I'm sure we're all aware of. But fortunately some really good things also happening this month, such as my husband and I taking a trip to Japan together! My husband has visited Japan a few times in the past and has always wanted to take me–and I've also been wanting to visit–so we finally got to go and it was such a wonderful experience. We only had a week, so we tried to make the most of our limited time and stayed in Kyoto, with some day trips to Osaka and Nara. It was really an incredible time and I'm so glad I had the opportunity to go.
The downside to traveling (for me, at least) is that it puts me incredible behind on everything else, haha. I am ashamed to say that I only got three reviews up this month (yikes), but I do already have two reviews finished and scheduled for December and with more on the way, so I'll do my best to make up for that. It was a slow blogging month for me in general, but maybe in December I'll (finally?) get back on track. I read nine books this month–a bit less than anticipated–but there were some really great ones in there. Some highlights were A Sorceress Comes to Call, Sorcery and Small Magics, and After the People Lights have Gone Off.

Darkly by Marisha Pessl
The Way by Cary Groner
Wow, Japan!! That's amazing, so glad you had a great trip!