Showing posts with label foo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label foo. Show all posts

Friday, January 17, 2025

The Friday Face-Off: Current Read #34

                         Friday Face Off New

 Welcome to The Friday Face-Off, a weekly meme at Books by Proxy. Join us every Friday as we pit cover against cover, and publisher against publisher, to find the best artwork in our literary universe.  You can find a list of upcoming topics at Lynn's Books.

This week's topic is:
Current Read #34

 I was actually going to post a review today, but some things came up and changed those plans, so instead we've done a last minute pivot to a Friday Face-Off, because why not? It's been a while since I've done one, and it's always nice to take some time to appreciate cover art.  I actually decided to re-read How High We Go in the Dark by Sequoia Nagamatsu this week, and it's been just as heartbreaking and wonderful as I remember. Honestly, sometimes I wonder why I do these things to myself considering how sad  some of the stories in this collection are. But regardless, there are some lovely editions of this book out in the world, so let's have a look at some of them. 

2022 US Hardcover | 2024 Catalan/Valencian | 2024 Arabic

2022 UK Hardcover | 2023 UK Paperback | 2023 Italian

2023 Chinese | 2023 Bulgarian | 2024 Korean

My favorite(s):
These are all so gorgeous! I am finding myself particularly drawn to the Chinese and US Hardcover editions. I just love the simplicity of most of these, and I wish I could own a copy of the Chinese one (I already own the US edition) because it's so beautiful and I think it really captures the sort of melancholy/hopeful/sad feelings this collection evokes. 

Friday, July 30, 2021

The Friday Face-Off: Chaos


Friday Face Off New
Welcome to The Friday Face-Off, a weekly meme at Books by Proxy. Join us every Friday as we pit cover against cover, and publisher against publisher, to find the best artwork in our literary universe.  You can find a list of upcoming topics at Lynn's Books.

This week's topic is:
This week's topic was a lot of fun, there are quite a few chaotic covers out there. I decided to share two this week that I felt fit the bill well. First up is Wolf in White Van, which may sort of be a pattern of some sort, but boy do all those lines make me feel chaotic! The second is Golden State, which features a pretty chaotic array of free overpasses. As a SoCal native, the cover for Golden State definitely reminds me of where I live with those crazy (and kinda scary, if you think about it??) freeway overpasses. 😂 I also threw in the cover for Ben H. Winters' Quiet Boy as well, since it has a bit of a 'chaotic' vibe to it as well. 

Wolf in White VanWolf in White VanIl lupo nel furgone bianco
2014 Farrar, Straus and Giroux | 2015 B Format Paperback | 2018 Italian

De vijfde aanwijzingLobo en la camioneta blanca
2015 Dutch | 2015 Spanish

Golden State by Ben H. Winters (+ Quiet Boy!)

Golden StateGolden StateGolden State
2019 Mulholland Books | 2021 French | 2019 Large Print

Golden StateGolden StateThe Quiet Boy
2019 Century | 2019 Arrow | 2021 Mulholland Books

My choice(s):
Wolf in White Van
It's crazy, but I like it!

What cover(s) do you like the most?

Friday, July 16, 2021

The Friday Face-Off: Books with 'Book' in the Title


Friday Face Off New
Welcome to The Friday Face-Off, a weekly meme at Books by Proxy. Join us every Friday as we pit cover against cover, and publisher against publisher, to find the best artwork in our literary universe.  You can find a list of upcoming topics at Lynn's Books.

This week's topic is:
Books with 'Book' in the Title

There were seemingly endless possibilities this week, so rather than just picking one cover, I decided to pick a bunch of covers! Even with that, though, there were a lot of options to choose from, so it's only somehow a small handful (seriously, titles in the vein of "The Book of X" are abundant!). Regardless, let's have a look at them. :)

The Book of Strange New ThingsNightbooksThe Book of Lost Things
2014 Hogarth |  | 2018 Katherine Tegen | 2006 Atria

The Book of FlyingThe Children's BookCathy's Book (Cathy Vickers Trilogy, #1)
2005 Riverhead | 2009 Knopf | 2006 Running Press

The Book of SpeculationThe Graveyard BookThe Big Book of Exit Strategies
2015 St. Martin's Press | 2011 Harper Perennial | 2016 Alice James Books

Book of NumbersThe Book of HeroesThe Book of Accidents
2015 Random House | 2010 VIZ Media LLC | 2021 Del Rey Books

My choice(s):
These are all so unique and lovely, I'm not sure I'll pick a favorite this week!

What cover(s) do you like the most?

Friday, February 12, 2021

The Friday Face-Off: Furry

Friday Face Off New
Welcome to The Friday Face-Off, a weekly meme at Books by Proxy. Join us every Friday as we pit cover against cover, and publisher against publisher, to find the best artwork in our literary universe. You can find a list of upcoming topics at Lynn's Books.

This week's topic is:

I'm sure that there are various interpretations for this week's topic, but I've opted to feature covers with any and all fantastic furry beasts! And, naturally, there were too many possible covers with furry animals, so here's a collection of covers featuring furry beasts rather than comparing various versions of just one book. We'll start with wolves, move on to bears, some horses, and round it off with a nice miscellaneous mixture (dog, deer, and more!). 

2019 Berkley | 2019 Redhook | 2018 National Geographic 

2017 Crown Publishing Group | 2005 HMH Books for Young Readers | 1996 Alfred A. Knopf

2018 Self-Published Edition | 2016 Knopf | 2018 Talos

2020 Gallery / Sage Press | 2017 Tachyon Publications

My choice(s):
I love the simplistic overall style of The Wolf in the Whale, yet there is plenty of detail in the typography and detail, and I also really like the form of the wolf--you can really see the movement. And speaking of movement, I will never stop loving the original cover for We Ride the Storm. I love the new Orbit cover as well, but this cover is just so dramatic and falloff movement, not to mention how incredibly both horse and rider are rendered. This is the sort of artwork I'd buy just to hang a print of, it's beautiful!

What cover(s) do you like the most!?